Designing for the aging population

Senior citizen reading a book

The senior population is increasing and many seniors are choosing to stay in their homes as they age. Buying preferences have shifted over time and the older generation is younger in mind, body and spirit than ever before! Expectations for their environments have also shifted and trends for aging in place are on the rise.

A July 2019 Financial Post article indicated that a Statistics Canada survey revealed that young and old seniors were more likely to age in place. Only one in five respondents in the survey indicated that they would consider downsizing or purchasing a retirement home. This number also translated into an increased percentage of seniors who want to update their homes to accommodate their shifting lifestyle, and to stay and enjoy where they are. This is a rewarding challenge and opportunity for the design community.

When working on projects, one message that comes across more often than not is, “our place is boring, and we aren’t boring people,” and “I can’t get down on my hands and knees to reach those items, please help.”

Senior citizen reading a book

While a full renovation allows us to implement necessary changes for accessibility – larger door openings, curb-less showers, grab bars, etc. – seniors may not desire to dip deep into their savings and instead opt for minor adjustments to accommodate their needs.

For this demographic, the upgrades are equally important to both their physical and psychological well-being, and can be achieved in many creative ways. Refreshing kitchens by updating counters and backsplashes with easy-to-maintain surfaces, and adding pullouts and lift-ups for access into the back and lower cabinets without any bending or straining, are the priority.

The importance of décor should not be forgotten. Displaying art, collectibles and special keepsakes that tell their life story will provide a sense of comfort, reinforce memory cues, and help with loneliness. Designs that include framed photos, grouped and displayed to create a family wall of memories, are a reminder of a life well-lived.

The effect of tactile and textured surfaces and the importance
of selecting colours and décor that infuse nature and the outdoors, also have a positive physiological effect, especially for seniors who spend the majority of their lives inside. Most importantly, choose materials that are anti-slip, easy to maintain and also provide visual variety.

Colour and light play a vital role as aging occurs, as both our vision and perception change the way we see. Eye muscles weaken, pupil size decreases, and there is an increased yellowing of our lenses, resulting in the need for three times as much light as we age. Adding additional artificial light, by using the appropriate colour temperature (Kelvin Scale) can have a positive effect on the client’s sight – important for everyday tasks, mobility and their mental well-being.

The idea of ‘light therapy’ is an important consideration in designing for seniors, which includes brightening rooms with natural light from windows and skylights, choosing colours that reflect light appropriately within the space. Colour has the ability to stimulate our emotions and can create a sense of tranquility, increase appetite and even raise our blood pressure! As we age, pastel colours and blue tones become difficult to differentiate, while warm colours become more enriched.

By focusing on the science of design, including accessibility, appropriate choice of materials, colour and lighting, we can have a positive impact on the psychology and physiology of seniors as they age in place.

Janice Fedak
Janice Fedak
"JANICE FEDAK is a Designer, Trend Researcher and Speaker. She has a diverse background in Colour & Design and creates impactful and artistic residential, commercial and retail spaces. She is the owner of Janice Fedak, Colour & Design in Toronto and shares her forecasts and inspiring insight through her training seminars, presentations, and design consultations across North America. Twitter: @janice_fedak Instagram: janicefedak"
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