Budget good for National Housing Strategy

By NextHome Staff
March 23, 2017
(CNW) — Habitat for Humanity Canada is applauding the federal government for making historic investments in affordable housing. The budget provides the necessary fuel to support the implementation of a National Housing Strategy.Habitat for Humanity is pleased that the budget invests in a range of initiatives designed to build, renew and repair Canada’s stock of affordable housing and ensure that Canadians have affordable housing that meets their needs. It is also encouraged to see additional funding to help address the need for improved housing in the North, support for Indigenous peoples not living on reserves, and making more federal lands available for affordable housing, as well as the significant commitment of $5 billion towards a new National Housing Fund.Like investments in infrastructure, investments in housing are good for the economy, communities and families, Habitat for Humanity said in a statement. Housing contributes to stronger communities and provides a social return on investment that results in improved health, educational and job outcomes. In the case of Habitat homeownership, families no longer rely on government assistance for housing and move from social/rental housing into affordable homeownership, creating a space for others in need.Habitat is committed to a continued partnership with the federal government in developing and implementing the initiatives outlined in the budget and ensuring that Canadians have the opportunity to access affordable homeownership as one of the options resulting from this budget.“The National Housing Strategy is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for change,” said Mark Rodgers, president and CEO, Habitat for Humanity Canada. “To be effective, we must invest in all parts of the housing continuum, including affordable homeownership.“Habitat for Humanity Canada is working to bridge the gap between social/rental housing and market housing, and we are looking forward to continuing our work with government in making that happen.”Founded in 1985, Habitat for Humanity Canada is a national, non-profit organization working toward a world where everyone has a decent and affordable place to call home. Habitat for Humanity brings communities together to help families build strength, stability and independence through affordable homeownership. With the help of volunteers, Habitat homeowners and 56 local associations working in every province and territory, it provides a solid foundation for better, healthier lives in Canada and around the world.Habitat for Humanity Canada is a member of Habitat for Humanity International, which was established in 1976 and has grown to become a leading global non-profit working in more than 70 countries. For more information, please visit habitat.ca.

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